Probably every child wants a sibling. Some children long to be siblings and can fully demonstrate this to their parents. Many parents decide to have another baby to fulfill their children\’s dreams. Sometimes it is easy, sometimes it is not, and in the end, they may not succeed in having another child.

It is true that people, especially women, are often very sad about not having another baby. Do not be saddened by this. There are people who can do anything to have another child, including undergoing artificial insemination. This is very difficult and must be taken into consideration.

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Every child wants a sibling. However, it depends on how big the age difference is between the children. Some people want to keep the age difference between children as small as possible; for example, after the first child is nine years old, some people want to have another child. In many cases, the children do not get along with each other until the younger child reaches puberty. Why? Because the age difference plays a big role; it is obvious that an 11-year-old child and a 2-year-old child have very different interests.

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While it is certainly a decision for each parent to make, it is a good idea to take into account that the children may not fully understand each other due to the large age difference. Many parents are unaware of this and often yell at their older children, “Why don\’t you pay attention to your siblings? It is good to be aware of this, because age really does have a big impact. It is also important to remember that you are the parent and not the older sibling. Some people still don\’t get it, though.