Just type the symptoms you are having into the internet and two cancers and one cystitis will come up. Anyone who trusts an Internet doctor, no matter how unserious the consultation, is a mammoth and deserves to die of foot pain. Because not even a liter of antibiotics dissolved in healing water can help such a person.
mladý chirurg

So if you come across someone on the Internet who gives you medical or medical advice, tips, or tricks, you might as well keep your distance from them and watch them die at 40 from poisoning or intestinal burning! The more exclamation points, the more true it is. Never mind those who are quick to admit that they can\’t see a medical degree out the window, but still diagnose you via text message. Such people are the new group of self-destructive people.

Momsites are the ultimate evil

If you get a boil or sore, go to the doctor immediately and get it checked out properly. Do not hang your head like the ruler of the universe and listen to one or two sentences. If you don\’t like the diagnosis, move on to another practitioner. But if you\’re going to go to a mommy site in pain and make inquiries that start with “Hey, girls,” you might as well wait until your kids are in college.
lékařský stetoskop

I live without vaccines

And the worst ones who not only lack a shred of common sense, but still endanger others and those who cannot vaccinate, are those who voluntarily do not vaccinate and look for any excuse or research institute article. The hypothesis that these mothers tout as the Holy Grail has never been confirmed by any serious research, and yet they stubbornly tell themselves that they are doing the best they can. Homo. It is wrong to vaccinate without knowing anything. But to not vaccinate without knowing anything is like assisted suicide. Those who disagree can bring up five studies that prove the anti-vaccine truth, plus 150 other studies that disprove everything those five have screwed up.

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