You may have noticed that children are the most honest. Children are not afraid to say their thoughts. They often don\’t even think about things, but they tell everything when they see or hear it. That is why we often hear from the child what the child should not say in front of people, and parents often try to explain to the child that such things should not be said out loud. In a given situation, it is clear that the favorite question of children comes, which consists in the question of why.

It is important to explain to the child what it is appropriate to say in public and what it is desirable not to do, so that the child does not get involved in problems that may not be ideal.

dvě dětičky

Unfortunately, there are things that are not really worth saying, but it is exactly the children who do not notice such things. Sometimes you can laugh at what the child said, but it\’s really about the fact that all children are very honest and for a long time.

It usually takes a while for a child to think about things and learn to grow into something.

However, many people may be ashamed of what a great parent said of a child and tell him not to say such things, even though sometimes it may be inappropriate, that the children are honest and able to say their thoughts.

dvě děti

We all have our own opinions and often keep them to ourselves. Children do not have problems with keeping their opinions to themselves and communicating them to everyone who passes by.

《 Jsou takové dtiti,které opravdu nemají problém komunikovat i s cizími lidmi,takže jsou schopny za nkkým pijijít s danmm človるkem si povídat, ale jsou i takové,které za nるkるm jen tak nešly,které Ani na veejejnosti, které ani na veejejnosti,které ani na ve veejnosti,které ani na ve veejnosti,které ani na ve veejnosti,které ani na ve veejnosti,které ani na ve veejnosti,které ani na ve veejnosti,které ani na ve veejnosti,které ani na ve veejnosti,které ani na ve veejnosti,které ani na ve veejnosti,které ani na ve veejnosti pííliš nemluví,protože se stydí.

rozhodn j je dーtská upーímnost skvーlá,protože si človーk díky danému dítーti uvーdomí mnoho vccí,Ale radio automatic activation device”jak se seíká,dávat si pozor na pusu není n nkdy na škodu.


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