If someone has a problem with their computer, whether it is a work computer or a computer at home, and they are not sure what to do, definitely ask an IT colleague for Ask your IT colleague for advice on how to fix the problem. There is sure to be someone willing and able to help you get everything working properly.

People who work in IT at companies often have no problem borrowing your computer to go home and investigate problems that arise. If that person is very skilled, they will fix the computer and bring it back the next day with no problems so you can work on it again.

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Some people who work on computers are really handy and often do more than just replace spilled keyboards. This is often encountered by those in the repair business.

Don\’t hesitate to ask your co-workers if you can bring your computer in and have them look at it when they have a moment. Be sure to offer something in return so that they know you don\’t want such a thing for free. There is a chance they will say no, but there is also a chance they will take you up on it if it really takes them a long time.

Your computer may have much bigger problems than it looks. Especially if you don\’t understand computers.

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If you have to contact someone about a problem, absolutely do. Furthermore, if your colleague in the IT department is a good friend of yours, there would be no problem. They may be able to look at your computer at work. It is definitely possible. People don\’t know what they have to do, and if they want to take a break from their own work, they can, for example, focus on your computer, figure out where the problem is, and try to solve it at home.

You should try everything, including asking if someone can look at your computer. Everything may work again without problems.


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