I think the last time the policy really is a lot of expansion. Without politics, many adults would have nothing to talk about not only adults, but also 10-year-olds. I recently learned that teenagers, in fact teenagers, are also interested in politics, etc. Even young students at least have to admit that this is of course an advantage, because they know and understand what politics is and why they are interested in politics.

Politika má být slušná.

Is it good that 16 or 17-year-olds are interested in politics? If this is not exaggerated, of course it contains something, so I think it will pay off. In my opinion, even from the age of 20, children should be a little more strongly interested in politics because they don\’t want people to vote and vote just for fun. They enjoy voting so they can actually vote, or maybe they\’re just 18 years old and they\’re voting for someone their parents are voting for.

Máte rádi politické debaty?

Of course I did, too. And of course, I was not very interested in politics, but my parents simply told me that I had a political party, so I listened to them, after all, I did not give anything for it, and I was 18 years old, and I wanted to try my first allowed election. For example, if a vote was made only from the age of 25, I think it would be more advantageous from the age of 25 because it is already more mature than, say, 18. It\’s the same thing that even a 15-year-old can decide which high school to go to, whether they already have an ID or at the age of 15. Maybe I didn\’t know this at all. And speaking of politics and school, do you think there should be a high school? In my opinion, yes, and most importantly, they will learn how to behave properly and not argue at all in politics.